Big Dreams
It's officially back to school week, which means last minute back to school shopping and my handsome, sarcastic teen at his hormonal best, lol. Ahhh, life in the Black household.
I've got some exciting things brewing that I can't wait to tell you guys about, but in the meantime I just get to be a horrible tease, but suffice it to say, I'm cray cray busy and working my tail off. Basically I've got Big Dream and Big Vision and I'm working to surround myself with people who have the same.
I always laughed at the thought of Vision Boards but I legit think I'm gonna make one, lol. Looking at your goals daily in a visual way to stay motivated, to stay forward thinking and keep fighting the good fight? Yeah, I'm kinda diggin' that lately.
And now for your daily dose of sexy, cause yeah ;)